Chakra Energy Healing

Chakra Energy Healing


My absolute favorite session to do! This service is not only to heal your Chakras and cleanse your energy, it’s the ultimate Soul Retrieval!

With this session I dive into what needs attention the most. We cut cords, we use the singing bowl, my pendulum, and crystals. I ask the client’s guides for any guidance that comes through as well as any insights on details.

Stones, crystals, techniques, and products may be recommended for the client to utilize after our session.

This service is best when done every 1-3 months. Just like getting a professional facial done for extractions and chemical peels, it’s important to do a healing and cleanse every once in a while.

Energy balls are recommended between these intense sessions.

Your soul will only allow what it’s ready to acknowledge and heal to come up. I tune into your energy and am able to channel anything and everything that is ready to be heard and embraced.Many people experience physical sensations during this healing and it’s affects last for up to a week. It' varies for everyone!

Soul Retrieval is truly the best way to describe it. Parts of your soul are meant to be reclaimed as we call back any of your energy back to you for your highest good. This includes previous lifetimes as well as this one. If you’re ready to take your healing to a whole different level, I highly suggest considering this session!

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